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Reach Your Music Production Goals With One-On-One Coaching!

Detailed strategies and action steps tailored specifically to your situation and goals.

One-On-One Music Production Coaching Service

The free content of the internet is a fantastic resource for learning just about anything. However, there are two big downsides:

  1. There's no structure or holistic view of the situation.
  2. There aren't specific details tailored to your specific needs.

How do you know what to learn and when to learn it?

How do you put it all together to reach your desired results?

What are the specific holes in your knowledge and what should you incorporate into your practice?

I think we've all been there: watching endless tutorials on YouTube, trying to make sense of all the information and how it will help us to produce the music love, only to feel overwhelmed and less clear than when we started.

Don't get me wrong, tutorials are great. I watch them all the time.

But if I want the best results as fast as possible, I'll find someone who has ample experience to:

  1. Explain and demonstrate the best way to do something and achieve my goal.
  2. Answer any of my specific questions, no matter how broad or specific (or at least point me in to a specific resource to answer those questions).

I've done this for music production, mixing, video editing, graphic design, writing, and more. Investing in this kind of training time and time again has allowed me to learn more, learn faster, and actually get what I want out of my efforts.

One-on-one support beats consuming generic information every. single. time.

  • It's much more effective than trying to learn music production yourself.
  • It's much cheaper, efficient, and convenient than going to college.

And that's why I want to offer my consulting services to you!

To help you not only gain the skills, but the clarity to reach your music production goals.

Book Your Calls Now!

Who Am I?

I'm Arthur Fox, and I've been a professional audio engineer for over a decade. I've always had a passion for music and have produced records of my own (titles below) and for friends.

Recently, I've decided to stop keeping my art and accumulated knowledge to myself and rather to share it with the world.

My Albums

Tailored To You

It's always my goal, as a coach, to provide the most tailored results for my students.

It's ultimately up to you to shape the content of the calls. That's the beauty of it.

A fairly standard "curriculum" includes the topics of:

  • Recording
  • Arranging
  • Editing
  • Production Techniques
  • Mixing
  • Mastering
  • Plugins/software
  • Music Theory
  • Creativity
  • Productivity

The call structure goes something like:

  • Call 1:
    • Understanding where you are and where you want to go with your music production.
    • Getting quick wins in the call with demonstrations.
    • Building actionable steps for you to follow throughout the coaching experience.
  • Call 2:
    • Recapping what was learned in Call 1 and what needs clarification.
    • Addressing any new questions that arose during your action steps and music production sessions between calls.
    • Strengthening your goals as a music producer.
    • Building actionable steps for you to follow before the next call.
  • Call 3:
    • Recapping what was learned in Calls 1 and 2, and what needs clarification.
    • Addressing any new questions that arose during your action steps and music production sessions between calls.
    • Covering a more holistic approach to your music and creativity.
    • Discussing the aspects of music production you may not be familiar with.
    • Building actionable steps for you to follow before the next call.
  • Call 4:
    • Recapping what was learned in Calls 1, 2 and 3, and what needs clarification.
    • Answering all the questions you have at your current level.
    • Solidifying action steps you can continue to practice in perpetuity to become the best music producer you can be.

But again, this will depend on your specific goals and how I can best serve you in reaching them!

Who This Coaching Is For

This coaching is for those of you who are serious about improving as music producers and living a musical and creative life.

You don't have to have a tremendous amount of experience, but you do have to have the desire to learn and take action toward becoming the best you can be.

It's for those dedicated to creating the music they hear in their heads and feel in their souls, and those deeply interested in the inner workings of music and production.

If that sounds like you, I look forward to meeting you on our first call :)

Book Your Calls Now!

What You'll Get

4x 30-minute Zoom Calls

We'll schedule 4 half-hour Zoom calls where we'll discuss the solutions to the specific issues you're having with music production.

Why 4 calls? Because learning music production is a long-term commitment and a process. It's imperative that we build upon these successive calls in order to get the most out of this consulting service.

4 calls allows us to uncover the issues at hand, build an action plan, and adjust as we progress together. It also allows for any additional problems to be addressed along the way.


Email Recaps Of Meetings

Post-meeting notes will be provided with actionable steps, additional information on concepts and topics covered, and resources to further explore solutions.

Note taking is one of the core actions I use for learning and teaching, and having custom-tailored guidance in writing is invaluable.

Real-Time Demonstrations

I share my screen and demonstrate concepts and techniques in real-time.

It's critical to not only see the solutions to your music production questions, but also hear the solutions. And so screensharing is a pillar of my one-on-one coaching.

I use Logic Pro X as my DAW, but most techniques span across all DAWs (with slight software differences).

Ongoing Email Support

This is well worth the price, even without the calls, recaps and demonstrations.

You'll have my email to ask questions as they come up and bounce ideas off me as they come to you.

Whether it's small details or big picture stuff, I'm on your team!

Book Your Calls Now!

How It Works

After your purchase, you'll receive an email with instructions to select your preferred call times. I do my best to have open availability.

I'll also prompt you to write out some preliminary information about your current music production experience, what you want to learn more about, and your goals for the future.

We'll hop on our first call and get started with the coaching. After the first call (and every call afterward), I'll send you an email outlining what we went over in the call along with actionable steps that will set you up for success on the following call and into the future.

By the end of the last call, you'll be in a much better space with your music production and have clarity for the future.

Let's Make It Happen!

Click "Book Your Calls Now" for pricing and scheduling, and I'll see you soon!

Book Your Calls Now